Sunday 23 August 2009

The Accident

Friday 14th August 2009

Like most other Fridays Phil, Ray and I were bouldering at Craggy Island. Like so many other times I was trying routes too hard for me, and fell. Unfortunately, unlike all the other times I didn't land very well. My left leg touched down first at about a 30 degree angle. I continued falling and i felt my knee dislocated.

The next thing I knew I was on the mat with my leg folded under me. The knee was back in place, there wasnt much pain, but at the same time I could feel that it wasnt well.

Phil helped me to the edge of the mat and I tried to take stock of the situation. I poked and prodded around my knee and it felt odd, but mostly ok. I had a go at straightening it. This was a mistake, the muscles spasmed and they pulled the joint out again. I knew then it was a mess and it was hospital time.

The Craggy staff gave me some ice-packs, Phil and Ray helped me limp into Ray's wagon and it was off to A&E.

After some waiting I was X-rayed, seen by a doctor and told that it wasn't broken. I couldn't straighten my leg for a full range of ligament checks, but I was told my ACL was ok. I was put into a 'cricket pad' splint and sent home, to come back to the fracture clinic on Wednesday.

Maybe I just need to rest then, and I'll be back to sport soon.

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